Monday, March 23, 2009

Holy god it's been forever

Suddenly I get the urge to write posts for this thing.

In the time between my last post and this one, I bought jeans for the first time since I was in Kindergarden, got a gay (but still incredibly awesome) gray and dark purple striped T-shirt, and became a contributor for Currently my first post there has 29 comments, 28 of which are positive. I gotta tel ya, it's such an ego trip to write a post for a site with it's own domain. Come to think of it, that might have been what inspired me to come back to this. As another plus, I get an email every time someone comments, and when I get a new email and am signed into Windows Live messenger, I get a little pop-up thing. It makes me feel important.

Now, for the end-of-post plugs:
-Ashcast: Great podcast as long as you don't expect anything completely serious.
-My first article on

Well, that's all, expect new posts in the future.

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